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Drive Manager (1 or 2) Encoder Device Description Install?

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2 Users
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Posts: 20
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Eminent Member
Joined: 2 years ago

Hey all, 

Another dumb question. I am using the latest Drive Manager 2 (1.1.42).A Biss-C linear encoder that I need for a feedback device is not in the available "Feedback" device list. 

The encoder is a Renishaw LA11-DC-A-07B-K-A-02M-A-00; most of the other encoder part numbers in this Renishaw encoder family are in Drive Manager 2, except this one. 

I have downloaded and installed ESI files for other devices (like Keyence Cameras, SMC Valve Couplers), but I have never had to install anything that is accessible by Drive Manager. Also, I can't seem to find any device description file downloads on Renishaw's website. 

Anyone have any experience with this?

Thank you. 

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Posts: 63
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Joined: 3 years ago

 I think I would just add one which is similar and change the parameters which are different in the drive manager.

Posts: 63
Estimable Member
Joined: 3 years ago

Or you maybe you can add your sensor to the xml files here

❯ ls

    Directory: C:\TwinCAT\Functions\TE5950-Drive-Manager-2\Database\Feedbacks

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----       20/06/2022     12:50         762310   Beckhoff Supported Feedbacks.xeds
-a----       20/06/2022     12:51        1422579   Beckhoff Supported Feedbacks.xml
-a----       20/06/2022     12:50         478886   Beckhoff Supported Linear Feedbacks.xeds
-a----       20/06/2022     12:51         876880   Beckhoff Supported Linear Feedbacks.xml

