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Unofficial Beckhoff Community

Why Join Us

twinControls community extends worldwide to bring Beckhoff enthusiasts onto one platform!
twincontrols learning twincat


Collaborate with others to find the best solutions to your problems!

share twincat and plc programming knowledge


Present new ideas and industry proven techniques!

twincontrols community networking with professionals


Get connected with Beckhoff specialists and supporters!

improve yourself with collaborating with professionals and engineers from all over the world


Expand your network and gain more knowledge!

About Our Community

twinControls community is a place for all levels of expertise. From beginners to industry veterans, we believe that everyone has something to share that can benefit others. Whether you search through our forums to track specific topics, post a question to find help on a difficult problem, or open a discussion on a topic of your interest, you are helping others build their Beckhoff and Codesys knowledge. No matter how you participate, we are happy to have you for your time and assistance on growing this community!

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